Exploring the Five Senses: Grade 1’s Journey of Discovery

👀👀Sight: The sense of sight serves as the gateway to our surroundings, and our Grade 1 students are honing their visual acuity with enthusiasm. From marveling at the kaleidoscope of colors in nature to investigating the intricacies of optical illusions, these young minds are discovering the wonders that lie beyond what meets the eye.

👂👂Hearing: The symphony of sounds that surrounds us forms the soundtrack of our lives, and our Grade 1 learners are tuning their ears to the melodies of the world. From the chirping of birds to the rustling of leaves, every sound becomes a source of wonder and exploration.

👆👆Touch: Through the sense of touch, our Grade 1 explorers are forging a tactile connection to the world around them. With fingers outstretched and curiosity ablaze, they’re exploring the textures, temperatures, and sensations that define our physical reality.

👅👅Taste: The sense of taste invites us to savor the flavors of the world, and our Grade 1 students are embarking on a tasting adventure . They have tried salty, sweet and sour. We skipped the spicy part though. 👃👃Smell: Last but certainly not least, the sense of smell invites our Grade 1 learners to explore the rich tapestry of aromas that envelops our world.

📸Let’s check out some highlight photos of these activities.